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5 Tips for Learning a new Language + My Japanese textbooks

I speak very beginner Japanese! I know learning a new language is intimidating and has it’s challenges; DON’T GIVE UP! Today, I’m sharing useful tips for learning another language. These strategies can be implemented into any language or host culture you are studying. Are you learning another language? Please share tips and strategies you love in the comments - use this as a sharing space. What has/ hasn’t worked for you?

  • Take lessons if you can! It’s hard for me to focus on my own, so having a teacher (Sensei) makes its easier and more exciting. Think about getting a private tutor or taking a languag as an elective at school. This is not an option for everyone, but a great way if you CAN make the investment.

    • LINKING MY TWO TEXTBOOKS HERE - these are the ones you see on my IG stories

      • This one is for lessons and vocabulary.

      • This one is our workbook, where you write and complete exercises.

      • If you can only get one, I recommend the first book, but they do go hand-in-hand! They are both beginner and elementary level :)

      • I just ordered this book as recommended by a follower to improve my verbs and conjugations.

  • Find someone to practice with. Do you know anyone who speaks the language you want to learn, or can you find one? Trade your time and help each other.

    • EX: I met a girl here who is interested in improving her English, and I need more practice outside of the class. We are about to start skype calling to help each other improve… bonus we will learn about each others cultures! This is a mutual transaction.

  • Watch movies, television, podcasts, youtube, anime, etc, in that language.

    • Anytime you have the opportunity to HEAR something in ** insert any language you are pursuing ** is an opportunity to learn. We usually put Japanese Netflix on with English subtitles! I don’t always enjoy the story-lines, but it has enhanced my ability to listen and understand normal speaking speeds. It also teaches you conversational dialect, which isn’t always something a book can give you! Regardless if you enjoy the show or not, you will pick up on SO much just by listening all the time.

      • On Netflix (for Japanese) I recommend any of the TERRACE HOUSE series! Great opportunity to learn about the Japanese social and dating life. It’s entertaining and wholesome.. very popular reality show in Japan.

  • Download APPS on your phone

    • We love the DR MOKU apps! We bought KATAKANA and HIRAGANA as a set since you can get them together as a deal. We learned both of these alphabets SO quickly. The app makes pictures out of the characters which makes them easy to identify.

    • We practiced these everyday until we got them right and would quiz each other. I played the audio for these in my car while driving and running errands instead of music or a podcast. I became obsessed with learning them until I got them right!

  • Discipline + Consistency

    • Depending on what is important to you - reading, writing, speaking, or all the above - discipline yourself to sit down and do it. You need to become obsessed until you get familiar. Eat, drink, sleep a new language! Listen to it and read it all the time! Train yourself to practice at LEAST 30 minutes a day. The way to learn is consistent exposure. The more you get used to hearing and speaking, the easier it gets, I promise!

I hope this helps!

xX, Caitlin